CetoAI Takes Second Place at the Standarised Data Innovation Challenge (SDIC) ' 23

CetoAI, announces that it has taken second place in the 2023 Standardised Data Innovation Challenge (SDIC’23), an initiative jointly launched by Smart Maritime Network and ClassNK.

5 mins read
Fri Sep 29 2023

Copenhagen, September 29, 2023 - The Standardised Data Innovation Challenge (SDIC) '23, a prestigious competition aimed at promoting innovation in maritime technology and the standardisation of data collection and analysis within the sector, has announced its winners. CetoAI secured second place among the standout companies, marking a significant achievement in the maritime technology landscape.

The Standardised Data Innovation Challenge aimed to showcase innovative solutions for maritime technology companies to generate business value from data stored within the IoS-OP distribution platform.

After rigorous evaluation, eight finalists were selected to present their technologies before a distinguished panel of judges at the Smart Maritime Network Tokyo conference on August 30. The judging panel featured representatives from prominent Japanese maritime stakeholders, including NYK Line, K-Line, and Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), alongside Smart Maritime Network and ClassNK.


The winners were announced at the Smart Maritime Annual Global Innovation Congress (SMAGIC'23) in Copenhagen on September 27, marking a pivotal moment for maritime innovation.

CetoAI, a frontrunner in the competition, secured second place, cementing its position as a prominent player in the maritime technology sector. This recognition is a testament to CetoAI's dedication to technology standardisation and interoperability within shipping, addressing key industry challenges.

Tony Hildrew, CEO of CetoAI, expressed his enthusiasm, saying, "Placing 2nd overall out of 70 companies is a testament to our work at CetoAI. The Standardised Data Innovation Challenge has highlighted the promise and potential of new technology applications across the global maritime sector."

He continued, "It's truly inspiring to witness the collaboration among major maritime stakeholders, including shipowners, classification societies, equipment manufacturers and regulators. We are thrilled to have played a part in the first SDIC and are excited by the prospect of working with the consortium members. This collective effort signals the industry's willingness to tackle some of the largest problems, including machinery breakdowns, safety, efficiency, and sustainability."


As part of their prize, the winning companies, including CetoAI, will become members of the IoS-OP. They will collaborate with the consortium to further enhance their technologies using actual vessel data provided by participating companies. In addition, Toqua, the first-place winner, will also join the Smart Maritime Council, a cross-industry initiative dedicated to supporting technology standardisation and interoperability in shipping.


Fumitaka Kimura, Digital Transformation Manager at ClassNK, one of the founding members of IoS-OP, welcomed the winners into the IoS-OP community, saying, "I firmly believe that IoT data from ships will play a pivotal role in addressing environmental challenges and enhancing shipping efficiency. By embracing the innovative ideas and practices introduced by startups, I eagerly anticipate further growth of data exchange and utilization in the maritime industry."

The SDIC'23 competition has shed light on the transformative potential of technology in the maritime sector, reinforcing the industry's commitment to progress and become more sustainable. CetoAI's remarkable second-place achievement underlines the company's dedication to driving innovation within the sector.

For more information on the SDIC'23 competition and its winners, visit the CetoAI LinkedIn profile or the Smart Maritime Network Tokyo conference website.






About CetoAI 


CetoAI provides powerful predictive analytics to the maritime industry; combining high-frequency data, engineering expertise and artificial intelligence we reduce machinery breakdowns, cut carbon emissions and manage operational risk. 



For more press information, interviews, and images, contact Tony Hildrew at 07735 078 251 tony.hildrew@ceto.ai


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